"A Game to Save the World" is an online hack competition hosted by TAIKAI, where programmers, game designers, artists, writers, and others in game development-related fields will compete to create a digital or an analog game that educates people around the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The game can be a videogame or a non-digital game like a board game or card game.
A Game Jam is comparable to hackathons, but for games. In a time boxed period of time, you are encouraged to create a digital or analog game from scratch, including design, artwork, building and testing.
"Game Jams" revolve around inspiring one another, going crazy with experimental ideas and celebrating how wonderful game development is.
To connect participants in this global effort, we encourage people from all over the world to team up with fellow technologists or designers for a global, learning, building, and friendly competition that could produce amazing game experiences and influence people to have a fair relation with the world and society and decelerate climate changes that might the world as it is for our future generations.
This remarkable initiative serves as a kick off for the Game Jam stream of online challenges promoted by TAIKAI with some relevant partners in the Game Industry.
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