
7 year producer looking to help out for free

Started by January 25, 2020 04:21 AM
15 comments, last by jdc 4 years, 11 months ago

@Shaarigan whats the project?

Our company homepage:

My New Book!:

For the case you didn't got an Email yet, I send ya a message



I could need some one to organize tasks and team for my project, since i do not have that much time now. Some one that : recruit, develop the web page, just a blog to have things structure, (and not hard programming work), organize the team, organize project tasks. Organize 3D models (have many need organization), guide history, maybe payments for tasks. Small project tasks, that may arise. Portuguese language it couple be nice, since it will focus on that. But it could gather all kind of people.

What i have

I have a full design document (several months of work), at the moment working on a engine, so you will have support on the these areas programming, lead artist, lead design, organization of project.

Is a FPS-sci-fi only 1 level, it work width bots , width several teams. At the moment is not open source, but i'm working on a open source, engine, so you can keep up width my work.


Is a paid project, but we as indies can't get there wright away first, need to see project viability then thing on this details. There are many ways of monetize, already development for many teams. That is not a problem.


As clan leader and champion of unreal tournament used my experience to build this new sci-fi battle ground. Graduated in computers & graphics generics, several years of programming you can see “The box” post. A open source engine.

You are speaking to indie devs who may lack management skills, but their technical skill far surpasses your own. The workload of indie comes mostly in the form of technical, you should not be surprised you have not gotten much response. Without technical skills to contribute to the development pipeline, your administrative skills mean diddlysquat to indie devs. Larger corporations may value those skills however.

@GeneralJist Hello am struggling to find people to help me make a game. coding and art work


@montreehall You can help out if you want added the project to a public folder, just the things you want.

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