To Apply, send Resume's and examples of work to . Please read entire post before applying. Thank you.
Hi, my name is Robert Bates. I have been in talks with Electronic Arts (EA) as well as other companies. EA is interested in potentially picking us up as a publisher or possibly even to help develop. However, we first need at least a working demo product to present to them.
I, Robert Bates, will act as Team Project Lead, however all other positions are open. Note that this is a work for free project with possible payment in the end. Essentially, if the game makes money, we all make money. I am offering equal Major and Minor shares for Leads and Non-Leads for this project. Exactly how big those shares will depend on amount of team members, but as this is expected to be a small team, you could expect somewhere around 10%-20%. All official team members will be given a contract detailing specifics of terms for what is expected from your work and what percentage you will be paid from all profits generated from this project. (Note: Each individual position will be given a separate share amount, meaning if you are officially brought onto the team in multiple positions, you will receive higher share percentage overall.)
Position Openings:
- Lead Programmer/Programmer
- Lead Artist/Artist
- Lead Audio Technician (Sound & Music)/ Audio Tech
- Lead Writer/Writer
- Lead Online Infrastructure Technician
Type of work this project involves:
- Programming character animations, hit boxes, health bars, stages, menu interfaces, scene transition (ie going to the next level), 1 vs 1 game mode, Practice mode, basic fighting game Ladder mode.
- Art for 11 characters and their animations (estimated 20-40 animations per character), 10 stages (lightly animated), art for menus and interfaces, character art for bio's and ending's.
- 12 original music compositions, and sound effects for characters, menus, and interfaces.
- Write base story setup, character bio's, and character ending's.
- Online infrastructure to allow 1 vs 1 play on the internet. (Prefer to include a Ranking System that all always are participating in [i.e. every match is a ranked match you gain or lose points, allowing rematches with max limit of 10 wins]. Allow Private Non-Ranked Matches. “King of the Hill” style game mode both ranked and non-rank.) Bare minimum to start we are looking for a working infrastructure of some sort.
All Team Members will collaborate together to ensure we have a shared vision. All work to be approved of by Team Project Lead. All final decisions made by Team Project Lead. Team update meetings to be held bi weekly (however no team meetings will begin til team is fully put together, with Online Tech being an exception).
To Apply please email us at detailing what position(s) you are applying for exactly. Detail exactly what work you can do that this project is needing. If able, send attachments of example(s) of the type of work you're applying for. Please allow up to 14 days after applying to hear back about your application after all considerations.
More Project Details
The goal is to create a base game structure in playable form for presentation to video game companies. (EA has shown interest.) The following is a base minimums for demo build and full build.
Demo Base Build Minimums:
- Working menu and interfaces, working characters and hit boxes, 1 vs 1 mode.
- Art and animations for 2 characters and 1 stage, as well as menu and interfaces art.
- 1 original music composition and sound effects for characters.
- Bio's for 2 characters and overall story setup.
Full Base Build Minimums:
- Working Menus, Interfaces, Characters, Stages, animations, hit boxes, health bars, scene transitions, 1 vs 1 and Practice game modes, Ladder game mode (Short/Med/Long ladders 6/8/10) ect.
- Full art for 11 characters, 10 Stages, bio and ending art for 10 characters, menu/interface art, animation art for characters and stages.
- 12 original music composition, sound effects for all characters and menus/interfaces.
- Bio and Endings written for all 10 playable characters and overall arching story set up for now and future.
- (Optional) Online infrastructure allowing 1 vs 1 play on the internet. (Preferably with ranking system and a King of the Hill mode included.)
Expanded Build (Optional development for this project after Full Base Build):
- Top-Down RPG style Story Mode.
- More Characters
- More Stages
- More Modes
- New Costumes
This thread will be updated weekly until all needed positions are filled.
We look forward to reviewing your application. Thank you for your interest in joining our team.