
Self Hosted Seller

Started by December 20, 2019 10:12 PM
5 comments, last by GWDev 5 years, 2 months ago

Hello everybody,

I am curious to know if anybody here has had any experience in self hosting and selling your games.

Which services did you use? Did you use a CDN? How did you process payments? Was it at all worth it?

I wrote the shop system and login server myself since I couldn't find any solution that offered the things I needed. There might be a shop system that supports keys and download links for games though.

I use a CDN (Akamai). So far I'm happy with it.

Payments are processed via the PayPal and Stripe APIs. Support for Paysafecard is planned.

Was it all worth it? Well, I get about €20 net per sale instead of about €14.50 on Steam. I can invest the difference in marketing to boost sales. I'll see if it's worth it once the game is fully released (currently it's in Alpha).


That is great. Exactly the kind of experience I was hoping to hear.

Two things:

1) Do you consider taxes complications since you are actually selling things in other countries?

2) Would you like to share your site? Since I am asking I it is not like you are plugging yourself or anything.

1) Taxes are not that big of a problem. For the EU you can register for Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) and send the tax money to a central authority which then splits it between countries. Most non-EU countries have exceptions if you don't make too much money from sales in that country. Once you make enough money to pay taxes in Norway or Japan etc. you can easily afford to pay a tax advisor for that, even one of the "big four" if needed.


Great job dude. Congratulations!

Beosar said:
There might be a shop system that supports keys and download links for games though.


at least Magento does this out of the box.
I think they call it downloadable products.

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