
Looking for team members for a freelance game engine project

Started by December 17, 2019 07:57 PM
6 comments, last by 8Observer8 5 years, 2 months ago

We are developing a Java based 3D game engine. We are focused on building from the ground up, with emphasis on the algorithms from the Game Programming Gems series and the GPU Gems series. Currently we are using JOGL and Java Swing but plans are to move to LWJGL and Java FX. We would like it to be on the level of Unity, Unreal Engine, and Game Maker Studio. We understand this is a daunting task but its all for fun anyway.

Ted Gress

Are you guys sure you don't want to use C++ instead? Java doesn't have the performance or the cross platform support commonly required. This comes from someone who has written a Java engine and a C++ engine.


I'd be possibly interested in sharing code / features if C++, licensed MIT.

My colleague doesn't know C++ unfortunately. I'm actual building a C++ version of the engine as well in Xcode. Mainly because there are some things I want to do like memory management that I can't do in Java. When I get something significant I'd be glad to share my code with you. MIT

Hey, cool. Teamwork, I understand. Look forward to you guys getting something cool together and maybe working on it!

Well hey @VoxycDev would you want to work on a C++ 3D engine with me? I have a a couple unique algorithms I'd like to try out and I think you might be interested. Send an email to


I am writing my simple3D game engine too. But I use C#/OpenTK and TypeScript/WebGL. Now I study how to import a skeletal animation from Collada (.dea) file from Blender using this LWJGL Tutorial created by ThinMatrix If you did not hear about this tutorials I recommend it. I will be able to work with skeleton animation soon.

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