
Deciding the Damage Rate for Third Person Shooter.

Started by December 16, 2019 02:23 PM
3 comments, last by vicodescity 5 years ago

Hey guys, this is victor ( always wanted to do that Austin Evans bit :) ).

So I've been working on a third person shooter game (free for all) for a bit with Unreal Engine 4, it was slow as it is my very first game.

So I made a concept to make the game multiplayer, so it will be 1 vs 1, then teams, then finally the free for all system will be implemented. Anyway, the concept (using the 1 vs 1 example), is you and the opponent will be in a relatively sized room, that will have walls/protectors that you can use as cover fire. Then there is no health pickup in the game, so you are stuck with the same health from start to finish. I then decided to add two rooms opposite each other that has the ammo (the ammo will re spawn and disappear every few minutes, to keep players on their toes). Players do not re spawn once killed and health does not regenerate, so if you are killed, game over.

The issue i have is that, i want the game to last long, and also for beginners to stand a chance against better players, so i was thinking of making the weapons do little damage ( though different weapons have different damage levels), and giving each players a good sized hp bar. Should i make the weapons have a decent damage size, so as not to make too long. And the most important question, WHAT DO I DO AGAINST CAMPERS??? They would ruin the game experience for everybody, i want there to be tactics, but not one guy sitting in one place and frustrating the other player.

Waiting for your earnest replies, thanks :) :) .

I would expect that the main variable would end up being the relative skill levels of the players. Figuring out a way to match players based on their level s seems like it'd be an important step in reducing player frustration.

As for damage rate, I suppose it's a question of, assuming two players of the same skill level, how many hits do you want a player to take (which in effect is how many chances do you want to give a player) from an average weapon before the game is over? Figure out a formula and set of values that would make that happen.


From a average weapon, I think 6 - 7 hits will be ok, while, guns like snipers will be 3-4 hits

Also, do you know how I can nerf shotguns?

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