Hmm. New member. Only posted in a thread they created discussing their new business. Started as a new member on a forum for mechanical engineers with an identical first post on the same day.
Looks like a product of Hormel Foods to me.
Hmm. New member. Only posted in a thread they created discussing their new business. Started as a new member on a forum for mechanical engineers with an identical first post on the same day.
Looks like a product of Hormel Foods to me.
14 hours ago, dave j said:Hmm. New member. Only posted in a thread they created discussing their new business. Started as a new member on a forum for mechanical engineers with an identical first post on the same day.
Looks like a product of Hormel Foods to me.
Not promoting or selling anything though :P
(Just working up to that bit)
Why are you so cynical guys ? I'm trying to start up my business and am legit trying to understand my audience first. If you are willing to give me some feedback, I really appreciate the input otherwise please save us both the time and don't comment.
3 hours ago, Jake Siso said:Why are you so cynical guys ? I'm trying to start up my business and am legit trying to understand my audience first.
Congratulations, goal achieved. You now understand your audience is a bunch of cynical guys. Also, did you just assume my gender?
🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.
3 hours ago, Jake Siso said:Why are you so cynical guys ? I'm trying to start up my business and am legit trying to understand my audience first. If you are willing to give me some feedback, I really appreciate the input otherwise please save us both the time and don't comment.
I guess the problem is that gamers/developers are not your audience. It's almost a textbook example of addressing the wrong crowd. Not to be offensive, I think you got enough slack already.
4 hours ago, Jake Siso said:Why are you so cynical guys ? I'm trying to start up my business and am legit trying to understand my audience first. If you are willing to give me some feedback, I really appreciate the input otherwise please save us both the time and don't comment.
Your claims to be a IT developer here and claims to be an engineer on the mechanical engineers forum are unlikely to both be true. You didn't even bother to customise your message properly on the mechanical engineers forum. Having just searched for "we run on a very busy schedule and that makes it hard sometimes to be able to devote some time to change our health and bodies." from your initial posts it's apparent you've made the same similar claims to be a member of your target group on multiple reddit groups, facebook, entrepreneur forums and many other places. Technical people of all kinds have a low tolerance level for bullshitters and liars. Let's just say you haven't made a good start.
Earlier Rutin posted:
On 11/20/2019 at 11:09 PM, Rutin said:You also have to sell yourself as these businesses run on trust and personal relationships with your clients (this is why a large amount of new business comes from referrals as well).
You've lied about being a game developer/mechanical engineer/etc. How do you think those actions are going to build trust with potential clients? Relationships and referrals can be negative as well as positive - in your case you've been building negative perceptions of yourself.
Oh come on, what bunch of things he did incorect then dave j........
GD's are a bunch of guys with too litlle thrill in their lifes, mostly self centered and itchy (mind the exceptions), and you do not wanna work with them, this generaly aplies to all "heavy-duty" engineeringly competent people.
I never said I'm a game developer but I'm a software engineer. Here is my linkedIn profile. I sincerely hope that you become less cynical about people. And of course I have posted in other forums, it takes a lot of online interaction to have enough data points to understand anything (in my case the problems that people are struggling with.). I'm not a bot and I'm genuinely interested in helping people but also would like to be successful myself. And if you think that makes me a bad person, so be it.
So which is it?
Software Engineer -
Mechanical Engineer -
IT Professional -
Entrepreneur -
Business Owner -
Surely at the age of 23 you can't be all of the above.
Funnily enough you don't mention the important ones "Dietician" and "Fitness Coach".
All of these qualifications but nothing in the field you are targeting. Scary.
I'm not 23, I'm 27. I'm an IT professional, I have been in IT for 5 years. I do consider myself an entrepreneur and business owner because I have attempted many times to build my own business (had businesses that have failed) and here I am attempting again. It is okay that you hate me man, I'm just trying to be successful, seeing people like you hate others trying to succeed only makes me want it more. Thank you for your feedback. And also, It is absolutely pathetic that instead of chasing your own success you are spending time on researching what others are doing for their own success. I'd take a good look at your own life bro, it is not looking good.
So long.