
Eternal Wars MMORPG recruiting

Started by November 16, 2019 01:14 PM
1 comment, last by Sean.S 5 years, 3 months ago

Trash Panda Entertainment's Eternal Wars project is seeking awesome people to join our team.

We are looking for the following:

- 1x UI designer

- 1x 3D Character Artist

-1x Prop Artist

-1x Level Designer

What we expect:

- Age 18 or older.

- A portfolio showcasing relevent experience.

- A minimum of 32 hours of work per month.

- Ability to attend a weekly meeting to discuss progress/changes/whatever.

- A signed NDA.

You can expect:

- Work at your own pace.

- Possible revenue sharing at a later date.

- Compensation when the project gets funded.

- An awesome team of people who want to make this game.


It’s a Low Poly MMORPG fantasy with deep lore and fun combat that will have players enjoying the game. There are multiple classes you can choose from including Warrior, Priest, Thief, Druid, and a Hunter. You will fight a invasion from the Elder Gods in the first initial game release with future expansions throughout its lifespan.

If you are interested in joining our team of passionate individuals, please contact us at Or if you just want more information or to talk about the project.```

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