
looking for 3d artist

Started by October 31, 2019 07:22 PM
0 comments, last by Sable Prince 5 years, 4 months ago

Hi, i have a dream to revolutionize gaming graphics.  Simple inspiring idea.  An engine and console that supports a special style of graphics.  First i need someone to savvy and show off what the graphics might be capable of.  So give this silly rosh a bit of thought and see if you can comprehend the amazing discovery.



Spirit Engine and Spirit Console

Very unique name because when you look at some game graphics and picture it with a special sort of Spirit inspired vibe it gives me the visualization of super graphics.  Think Spirit, think Vibrant and flowing, Think Spirit, think amazing harmonic artistic high.  Think Spirit, think artistic wonderland.  Spirit=Super Inspirations. Spirit.


I am truly insane to think someone might savvy but this simple name and idea could monopolize the gaming industry and you are more then welcome to join and come along for the ride


What i need is some Spirit style animation or art to start a crowdfunding campaign with....


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