
(Non-Paid) Hardwired - Looking for team for Unity3D action game

Started by October 30, 2019 10:31 PM
0 comments, last by AntRWells 5 years, 4 months ago


I am looking to put together a team for a Unity3D action game. It is called "Hardwired" - It is set in the near future USA. It will be mostly linear.

Here is a except of the opening.




A man, simply known as Icarus, sits upon it. The shadow descending over his naked chest. a smoking capsule, as technological as anything of their era, dangles out of his mouth. He is not amused.


We sit here for a few moments. The fan spinning, the light rotating and cascading around the turning fans. 



They say the world is a series of systems. Networks. Interchangeable high speed data exchange.

Money gained and lost quicker than light travels. Lives bought and sold on a the dollar. 

They say the world is a vast network of organizations. Baying for power. At each other's throats. 

Dying to be kings. Or just dying. 

They say we're all expendable. Tagged. Positioned and fought against in a world of shadow cooperations who make it their business to keep the status, qou. 


He flicks the smoke across the room, it evaporates before it hits the ground. 


He gets up and faces the camera.



In this world, they're not wrong.  


He walks over to a communication hub, highly decorated with dynamic animations.



I am Icarus. No last name. I am the product of a world of terror. A world where life is secondary

to big business and end profit. I am also the leader of Jet Sky. We are not terrorists, but there are plenty

who fear us. We signal change. In a world that subsides on static virtues. We built this world on a foundation of hope and prosperity. We threw it to the dogs.


He waves his hand over the device and a holographic list of faces appears. he waves over one.



Nice dreams?


I am Antony, I will be the main designer and coder of the game, and I will also be helping model some of the 3D assets in Blender.

I'm looking for a team, so whatever you can bring to a product, if you are interested, then please feel free to contact me here or @


Thank you.


Thanks, Antony.

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