
Looking for other beginers to create a game !

Started by October 05, 2019 03:51 AM
23 comments, last by Marecht 5 years, 3 months ago

Hi everyone, I'm looking for beginners or even experts to join my project : Lets create a game (multiplayer FPS genre) ! All together, we are gonna learn how to create a game 100% custom from the very beginning (No assets pack, for the 3D modeling, the sound effects, the music backgrounds, the mechanics, scripts etc). Each person is gonna have his role and is gonna be specialized into something. If we got to take a decision, we're gonna do it all together. So either if you're a very beginner that want to explore the game making universe just like me or an accomplished expert (I mean why not, if we have experimented people with us, we're gonna increase our learning rate and learn much more faster.) so if you're interested by the project, DM me !

Oh and by the way, to be more interesting I thought it would be great to talk a little bit about me to you as well(: ! I am 25 years old French Canadian from Quebec, and I am a TI for the local government. I'm such a gamer since I am young ( here is the proof ladies and gentleman: ). I'm interested to be the Graphic Designer for Graphic User Interfaces and also be the lead music designer and sound effects designer.

Music Design Portfolio:
GUI example I've done in the past:

hi orangcrsh,

i'm interested with your topic . i'm  22 years old from tunisia. i  was start programming for videogames since 2018. i program with c# using unity game engine . i wanna participate to the project. how we can start ?

3 hours ago, aa d said:

hi orangcrsh,

i'm interested with your topic . i'm  22 years old from tunisia. i  was start programming for videogames since 2018. i program with c# using unity game engine . i wanna participate to the project. how we can start ?

Hi aa d, and thank you for your interest. I created a little Discord for the project :

hey orangcrsh what's happening ???

i've been banished from the server ???

can you explain

1 minute ago, aa d said:

hey orangcrsh what's happening ???

i've been banished from the server ???

can you explain


That will be enough

because i'm calling you many times ??? i'm sorry but i explain the why



Let's make a game studio new logo by myself !

Ça và? 

I don't remember much French, but I used to be pretty decent with it. ;)

I am too looking for a group of people who want to build a business making games.
I have my IT education from the Norwegian Technical University NTNU, and I have spent several years developing different kinds of software, apps, websites etc.

I then transitioned into the movie business and have made several movies, some of which have won awards. In that regards I also became a trained actor, and last year I won the "best male actor" for my latest short film.
(This sounds like an awful lot of bragging now, but I am just trying to show you that when I want to do something, I do it wholeheartedly and learn passionately about the subject in question to become the best I can be).

I have now felt this burning desire to enter the game development world like I dreamed of all those years ago when I started programming. I am actually working on a game right now that resembles GTA V in style and player functionality.

Although I have a lot of experience with programming, I am fairly new to Unity, so there is still much to learn. But I am very familiar with the C# programming language.

So if you would be interested, I would love to talk about how I could contribute with both programming and voice acting if necessary (my accent is good, but not pure American).


Andy Pett

Hey Andy, this is pretty nice ! Would you like to add me on Discord so we can talk a bit more ?


Done! :)

Andy Pett

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