
Looking for Programmers: Löve2D

Started by July 26, 2019 04:08 PM
2 comments, last by joshf 5 years, 7 months ago

Hello community,

I am looking for any programmers who wants to have experience in creating simple 2D games. We can write games together by collaborating. Doesn't matter if it is a recreation of game, I just need to gain new experience.

  • I am new in using Löve2D, just coded Pong, Breakout, Snake
  • I love C++, I have been using C++ for 3 years
  • I love fixing bugs


I would be interested in helping out and gaining myself experience for 2D Games :D.

I don't have too much experience in video game programming (basic knowledge of C++ and Python) but I would really like to learn more!

If you are interested in collaborating don't hesitate to send me a message :)


Hi. I'm interested, too. send me a message.

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