
Ouija 2 and Battleship Floating Fortress

Started by July 14, 2019 02:24 AM
2 comments, last by nsmadsen 5 years, 5 months ago

Hey all, 

It's been a good while since I've uploaded some of my own stuff for feedback and discussion. So here are two things: 

The main theme for one of our slots called Ouija 2: Board of Fortune. 

And the second is a promo piece that features music and SFX by me but was put together by one of our video editors. I didn't even see it until it came out but I think he did a bang up job! 

Hope you're all doing well! 



Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

1. Ouija 2

   - Very interesting and quirky tune. The amount of instruments is very refreshing.

   - Some elements seem to "jump in" too quickly. For example, at 0:33, the strings swell in too quickly. Another example, is the sudden change at 0:40. Maybe you could add a transition like some cymbals there.

   - Impressive work on mixing. Each instrument is clear and precise. There is a great stereo spread as well.

   - Percussion is excellent. Not only does it frequently change up, it also is audibly interesting due to the way it is panned.

   - Probably my favorite aspect about this song is how the various instruments seem to seamlessly cross-fade with each other.

   - Things might get a little busy around the 0:45 mark.


2. Battleship Floating Fortress Promo

   - I love how you kept the melody subdued to allow the SFX and voice-overs to be clearly heard.

   - I maybe would have liked a more dramatic opener.

   - Maybe a louder "woosh" SFX when the camera quickly zooms in on the slot machine at 0:04.

   - At 0:18, the music abruptly fades-out. Perhaps the previous music could have ended on a hung note, and then transition into the 2nd half of the trailer. Otherwise, I like the transition between at 0:25 when the theme re-enters.


Very intriguing music, Nathan. Professional.

Alec Weesner | Video-Game Composer


Thanks for the feedback Alec!! 

One bit of clarification on the Battleship Floating Fortress, though, is that I didn't have anything to do with the edit of that video. The video editor was taking the various musical and SFX files I'd created for the actual slot game, and putting them together. I didn't even hear or see it until it went live. I don't disagree with your notes - just wanted to clarify my actual role in that one. 

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

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