
We want to create a tool to help fellow devs. Looking for feedback

Started by May 12, 2019 03:25 PM
2 comments, last by Tom Sloper 5 years, 9 months ago

My friend and I are considering a project to help fellow game developers be successful and we're looking for feedback.

We want to create a website that shows trends in the games market.

Which genres are popular? Which ones aren't? What kinds of games are people buying, and which ones are being ignored? We want to help answer the question, "what should my next game be?".

The answer isn't always easy. In his GDC talk last year Erik Johnson showed the estimated revenue for puzzle platformers is twenty four times less than actions RPG's. For anyone hoping to make a living from games, knowing this stuff really matters.

So, do you have any feedback on this idea? What do you like? What don't you like? Do you have any ideas that might improve it? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Patrick & Carson

*talk mentioned above:

Sounds cool, but a) I'd be surprised if there is nothing similar out there, already. I mean, analyzing the games market is probably not a new idea.

And b) that would mean a lot of editorial work for you guys because to be useful, a vast number of games would have to be tagged very carefully.

But don't let me stop you if that's what you want to do. I'd surely check out the site every now and then once it's live ^^

3 hours ago, ptietz said:

analyzing the games market is probably not a new idea.

App Annie. Grab Analytics. To name a couple.

-- Tom Sloper --

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