
Looking for help - 3d Platformer

Started by May 07, 2019 05:54 PM
2 comments, last by machado519 5 years, 8 months ago


I'm a programmer who is looking for people who would be interested in making a small 3d platformer. I've started working on the basic jumping stuff.  Thematically though, I have no ideas and was hoping to design something with someone. 

The main goal is to build something to show off on my portfolio, and give away for free. I'm not opposed to selling something of course, but i'd rather be realistic. 


Hey phoz,

l'd be more than happy to have you help out. Send me a direct message, and we set a time to chat a bit more.

Hey there,

I'm an audio engineer and sound designer looking to get involved in any project I can to develop my skill set in sound for games. Although it might be a little early to think of sound, I just wanted to put myself out there. If you are interested in contacting me or seeing any of my work, feel free to send me a message.


Thanks! :)

Nuno Machado

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