well I am able to draw a hexagon but I want to draw a whole screen of hexagons. here is my working code
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
Pen whitePen = new Pen(Color.White, 1);
float height = 50.0f;
float width = (float)(4 * (height / 2 / Math.Sqrt(3)));
float y = height / 2;
float x = 0;
float row = 0.0f;
y += row * height;
float col = 0.0f;
if (col % 2 == 1)
y += height / 2;
x += col * (width * 0.75f);
PointF pt1 = new PointF(x, y);
PointF pt2 = new PointF(x + width * 0.25f, y - height / 2);
PointF pt3 = new PointF(x + width * 0.75f, y - height / 2);
PointF pt4 = new PointF(x + width, y);
PointF pt5 = new PointF(x + width * 0.75f, y + height / 2);
PointF pt6 = new PointF(x + width * 0.25f, y + height / 2);
g.DrawLine(whitePen, pt1, pt2);
g.DrawLine(whitePen, pt2, pt3);
g.DrawLine(whitePen, pt3, pt4);
g.DrawLine(whitePen, pt4, pt5);
g.DrawLine(whitePen, pt5, pt6);
g.DrawLine(whitePen, pt6, pt1);