
NVIDIA GDC 2019 Slides Available

Started by April 09, 2019 11:00 PM
0 comments, last by khawk 5 years, 5 months ago

NVIDIA has made all of their GDC 2019 slides available. The talks cover a variety of topics include real-time ray tracing, machine learning, mesh shading, Vulkan, PhysX, and more.

The talks include:

Ray Tracing - Guidance

Ray Tracing - Examples

  • Shadows of the Tomb Raider: Ray Tracing Deep Dive (download)
  • Exploring Raytraced Future in Metro Exodus (download)
  • RTX in Justice (download)
  • Quake 2: RTX On! (download)
  • Ray Tracing in Vulkan (download)

Ray Tracing - Tech

  • A Fast Forward Through "Ray Tracing Gems" (download)
  • Improving Temporal Antialiasing with Adaptive Ray Tracing (download)
  • Ray-Traced Water Caustics with DXR (download)
  • Ray-Traced Irradiance Fields (download)

Tools and Debugging

  • Getting the Most From Your Vulkan Applications with NVIDIA Nsight Graphics (download)
  • Speed of Light DXR Ray Tracing with NVIDIA Nsight Graphics (download)
  • Optimizing DX12/DXR GPU Workloads using Nsight GPU Trace and the Peak-Performance-Percentage Method (download)


  • Truly Next-Gen: Adding Deep Learning to Games & Graphics (download)

Latest Rendering Technology

  • NVIDIA Adaptive Shading Overview (download)
  • Image-to-Image Translation for Content Creation (download)
  • PhysX 4: Raising the Fidelity and Performance of Physics Simulation in Games (download)
  • Asteroids Mesh Shading with DX12 (download)



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