
A word to the youth....

Started by January 25, 2000 12:07 PM
12 comments, last by firahs 25 years, 1 month ago
I also agree on most of these things. I have been screwed over by many book sellers. After about 4 years, I think I will start a 3D shooter. Oh ya, Don''t get a Celeron or PII because they suck! AMDs Rule!!!
Mithrandir shuns Firahs.

I woulda reccomended an Athlon over a Pee2.

little, yellow, different... oh wait, no...

faster, cheaper, better...
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.
Firahs: now that''s wayyyyy long a post. People would call it an article
And it almost made me what I wanted to say

Ooh yeah, we have all been through the youth phrase, and a lot of us(I bet) have definately been through the inspirational(hey I wanna make something like Age of Empires, Final Fantasy VIII, Daytona combined :x )
It''s almost an unstopable, unamendable target the youth had. And it will most likely be abandon when they realized they can''t do it. The more important part might be how they go on with it. Continue learning and come to the game later, or forget all about it.
I tend not to discourage people into making block buster games at first(because hell I know they won''t listen as I did in the past, and hey it happened twice(2 ideas) ). I offer help, books to read, and when they gave up, I encouraged them to continue and come back later.

Just my 2 cents worth
Great post. I being a newbie at game design noticed that a lot of other newbies want to tackle huge games. I learned to start simple and just learned. I just finished up a degree in Electronic Engineering and don''t plan on makeing games for a living but I want to do it just cause I think it would be fun. Just in case your wondering i''m working on a Double Dragon clone. nothing to fancy but not all that easy either.
Just wanted to say my 2cents
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