I'm a programmer working on a voxel game in space with some RPG elements and it's almost finished (after 4.5 years of work), but I can't really create textures for my 3D models. They are voxel models, but I want some more detail (especially for the face/hair/...) and therefore decided to have 4x4 pixels per voxel, where each voxel is 1/32 meter in size.
I only need 10 different textures, so it will be about 30-40 hours of work I guess. Some things like a wolf are probably faster while the big monster will take some time.
Any help is highly appreciated and as soon as I sell the game successfully, I can offer you a compensation for your work if you want to.
Feel free to add me on Discord (Beosar#8149) or write an email to contact@beosar.com or a PM here in the forums.