Everything worked well until I enabled cloud save.
SignIn and Signout works but achievements don't show up.
SaveGame is enabled on play console
PlayGamesClientConfiguration config = new PlayGamesClientConfiguration.Builder().EnableSavedGames().Build();
PlayGamesClientConfiguration config = new PlayGamesClientConfiguration.Builder().Build();
public void ReadSavedGame(string filename,
Action<SavedGameRequestStatus, ISavedGameMetadata> callback)
ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame;
public void WriteSavedGame(ISavedGameMetadata game, byte[] savedData,
Action<SavedGameRequestStatus, ISavedGameMetadata> callback)
SavedGameMetadataUpdate.Builder builder = new SavedGameMetadataUpdate.Builder()
.WithUpdatedPlayedTime(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(game.TotalTimePlayed.Minutes + 1))
.WithUpdatedDescription("Saved at: " + System.DateTime.Now);
// You can add an image to saved game data (such as as screenshot)
// byte[] pngData = <PNG AS BYTES>;
// builder = builder.WithUpdatedPngCoverImage(pngData);
SavedGameMetadataUpdate updatedMetadata = builder.Build();
ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame;
savedGameClient.CommitUpdate(game, updatedMetadata, savedData, callback);
public void WriteGame()
// Local variable
ISavedGameMetadata currentGame = null;
// CALLBACK: Handle the result of a write
Action<SavedGameRequestStatus, ISavedGameMetadata> writeCallback =
(SavedGameRequestStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game) => {
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Saved Game Write: " + status.ToString());
// CALLBACK: Handle the result of a binary read
Action<SavedGameRequestStatus, byte[]> readBinaryCallback =
(SavedGameRequestStatus status, byte[] data) => {
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Saved Game Binary Read: " + status.ToString());
if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success)
// Read score from the Saved Game
int score = 0;
string scoreString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
score = Convert.ToInt32(scoreString);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Saved Game Write: convert exception");
// Increment score, convert to byte[]
int newScore = int.Parse(tekst.text);
string newScoreString = Convert.ToString(newScore);
byte[] newData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newScoreString);
// Write new data
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Old Score: " + score.ToString());
// Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) mHits: " + mHits.ToString());
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) New Score: " + newScore.ToString());
WriteSavedGame(currentGame, newData, writeCallback);
/*// CALLBACK: Handle the result of a read, which should return metadata
Action<SavedGameRequestStatus, ISavedGameMetadata> readCallback =
(SavedGameRequestStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game) => {
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Saved Game Read: " + status.ToString());
if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success)
// Read the binary game data
currentGame = game;
// Read the current data and kick off the callback chain
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Saved Game: Reading");
ReadSavedGame("file_total_hits", readCallback);*/
public void LoadGAme()
// Local variable
ISavedGameMetadata currentGame = null;
// CALLBACK: Handle the result of a binary read
Action<SavedGameRequestStatus, byte[]> readBinaryCallback =
(SavedGameRequestStatus status, byte[] data) => {
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Saved Game Binary Read: " + status.ToString());
if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success)
// Read score from the Saved Game
int score = 0;
string scoreString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
score = Convert.ToInt32(scoreString);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Saved Game Write: convert exception");
// Increment score, convert to byte[]
int newScore = int.Parse(tekst.text);
string newScoreString = Convert.ToString(newScore);
byte[] newData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newScoreString);
// Write new data
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Old Score: " + score.ToString());
// Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) mHits: " + mHits.ToString());
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) New Score: " + newScore.ToString());
Action<SavedGameRequestStatus, ISavedGameMetadata> readCallback =
(SavedGameRequestStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game) => {
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Saved Game Read: " + status.ToString());
if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success)
// Read the binary game data
currentGame = game;
// Read the current data and kick off the callback chain
Debug.Log("(Lollygagger) Saved Game: Reading");
ReadSavedGame("file_total_hits", readCallback);