
Lead writer looking for a project

Started by February 11, 2019 03:31 PM
6 comments, last by NubDevice 5 years, 11 months ago


I trust you are well!

I used to work for several indie teams, and now I'm getting cold feet on joining another one. 

Still I enjoy writing, especially when it comes down to the lore. Which is why I'm here again. 

I'm interested in sci-fi, steampunk, diesel punk and I can get along with grim fantasy worlds. Also I enjoy thinking of unique game mechanics.


1. Gimme samples of your works - No, give me a challenge. I'm not into copy-pasting my old writings. I'd rather write an A4 of something new.

2. We already got a writer, so would you.. - Next, please. I'm not salty. But you can't just have two writers unless one of them is ready to focus on dialogs only.

3. Why are you so picky? It is you who must do A, B and C and appreciate ANY opportunity - I've seen enough undisciplined teams and I've wasted a lot of time for nothing. So I'd rather keep looking for a group of genuine enthusiasts than join yet another 'promising young studio'. 

P.S.: I ain't not gonna argue any 'remarks' you might write in the reply section. I don't care. So if you are about to write something, let it be a join offer.





Does this personal character asset speak to you in a positive way? I'm interested in developing a back story, attitude or some sort of linear progression to build events from. As a hobby programmer/artist, I'm having trouble with the who and what this guy is. (In a way) Thought it might be interesting to get your impression. 


Dev careful. Pixel on board.
Buckle up. Everything will be revealed.


Hello Goliath,

It's a tricky request. I have no idea about the game this dude was originally designed for. 

Judging from his clothes (tight fabric + some armored knee pads) he must be from the future. I mean he doesn't fit into the picture of a classic fantasy world. So let's assume he's from the year 2100+ 

He looks young and the model itself is sorta child friendly. So I'm not sure the guy got some complex past. Or at least it would be hard to write a dramatic story for such a cutie. 

Still he is sorta armored and fit. So he is supposed to fight somebody. He must be a private, some fresh starship trooper. 

The world he lives in should be simplistic 'black and white'. So he's with the good guys who fight the bad guys. At least this what comes to my mind when I see this joyful model of a boy but not a man.

But he might as well have quite a different background. Let's say he' not a military but rather one of few pioneers who try to colonize some remote world. 

The guy is a young technician. So those knee pads are custom made. He is a gadget lover. He loves exploring the surrounding nature, probably even risking own life. 

When he's away from the colony he spots a hidden alien ship. The invaison is coming! Now he has to find the way to  hold it until allies come.

Very nicely done. In my fifteen years of hobby, I have never seen such immediate imagination out in public. 

I'm actually blown away, and need time to process what just happened. :)

Dev careful. Pixel on board.
Buckle up. Everything will be revealed.

Hey, thanks!

15 years of experience look impressive. Were you lucky to build some good network devoid of lazy idea guys?


no, I've always been rogue. Don't play well with others type issues I fear. When working alone, the difficulty is small details, staying focused to make it just right. The tendency is to bang it out and call it good, but that shows in the end. Would you like to exercise your talent in public again with this co-character from my play project. Shares a leading role with the one above. Just a couple of words, nothing too much.


spoiler : what I think, don't peek.


serious, I said don't peek. Besides, whatever I think would be like programmer art. Sort of works for me, but looking to take it to a 'whole 'nother 'level. Thanks for the conversation. :) 

edit: I'd like to add this as a concept starting point regarding the pet. He is slightly on the rude/arrogant side and only special ability is a defiant flaming side spit ball but at three or four spits per second. LOL. puttoooo... She has to ooze understanding or humorous disappointed acceptance because together they are something more. What would she have (rescued?) him from to have tied this relationship?  :D as a starter...

Dev careful. Pixel on board.
Buckle up. Everything will be revealed.

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