I do not know if structure is the correct word... but I am new to coding and nearly finished my "mid term project"... as in I'm working through "The C# Players Guide" and I am at the 1/2 Way point. I have been asked to make a Tic Tac Toe game.
The problem is that it is taking me ages as I have had to restart so many times due to realizing better ways to do thing. For example.. I now have a class class TextBuffer that assembles all the strings which I then print with a PrintBuffer class. So instead of streaming the text to the console I can collate it and then dump it out when it is ready.
What I am getting at here is that I have found that splitting the program up into all these classes has made the program easier to make, but also means I need better per-planning. I have just realized that I may need to split some stuff into separate classes to make a clean gameLoop for example.
What I was wondering is if there are any books that are beginner friendly that focus on the structure of games, and now to build them in C#. GameLoops, UserInput, DataCollection, DataProcessing, etc etc. I feel like I am making good progress, but I also feel like I am rediscovering the wheel, and that if I simply learnt good techniques it would speed everything up, and also produce better code forms.. for I am sure nothing I come up with now is "correct"... it just works.