Yeah, I can see the clickbaity quality of that title, but I could not find something more meaningful off the top of my head. Life is getting kinda... weird. And it's related to GameDev. Sorta.
So about a year ago, my Big Science series of blog posts here on GameDev got someone's attention, and I was approached by individual private investors, a.k.a. "business angels" wanting to size me up for a small project. We've spent the yeah throwing back and forth some ideas while I get a feel for this dark and forboding slice of society. It's weird, and everybody with the slightest know of it tells me everyone's story is unique. But hey, fascinating, and maybe a way to a new, more independent career. I recently got permission to post some stuff, in order to do some research.
While it started out being about "a big game with lots of procedural generation" (buzzwords, I guess), it has warped a bit since. We're now talking about a "larger narrative" (buzzwords?), because it came up that I am an aspiring writer on the side. So I spent the last five months or so putting together a rough draft of a time travel narrative that might form the core of a larger game narrative. In short, I wrote the draft for a book to pitch the idea for a game. Words I never expected to write for $300, Alex!
I was wondering if it's frowned upon to post something like that on one's personal blog in here? Like, a chapter per blog entry or something. It's for game work, but if members feel I am skewing the focus of having an account in here, I will keep it to an account on some writer's site (where it will likely also show up at some point, anyway). The draft is, of course, entirely free, and the final book(s?) are also planned to be, making them essentially preemptive marketing material for some upcoming game stuff. There's more, but I'm still kinda fitting this whole process into my head, so I'll keep that for another time, if at all....