Nypyren's solution is a good one.
For comparison, my first thought is to sort both strings and then iterate through them (advancing whichever is behind when they aren't equal; both when they are):
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int counthits(string pass, string guess)
sort(pass.begin(), pass.end()); //in place sort - make a copy if you want to keep the original
sort(guess.begin(), guess.end());
int i=0;
int j=0;
int count=0;
while (i<pass.length()&&j<guess.length())
if (pass[i]==guess[j])
if (pass[i]<guess[j])
else //pass[i]>guess[j]
return count;
You could get fancier, pad both sorted strings with an extra character to prevent overflow (adjusting the while loop's end conditions to ".length()-1"), and remove the "else"s (replacing the second with the obvious if condition) and potentially advance both i and j twice each time through the loop (for example with a guess of "cad" for pass "bad" you'd compare abd~ with acd~ so count and increment both, then abd~ with acd~ so increment i, then abd~ with acd~ so increment j. I use ~ here for padding because it's ASCII 126, so won't compare less than valid guess characters (if you allow a wider range of characters, you would want to use the last valid character (or greater) - or double-pad the pass string to prevent overflow)