I'm new here, I'm currently taking a 2 and a half year college course on programming. We're going through C algorithms, C# basics because we just began with C# and some Unix/Linux stuff. We're at the 2nd year of college, previously to that we mostly studied Linear Algebra, Boolean Algebra, and Statistics for the mathematical foundation of programming and we learned some C.
At the end of the year, I'll have to have the final class project ready. I've decided to build my own 2d platform game from scratch, using only the C language and SDL2 to make the job easier. I'm a bit of a Mario fanatic, I have all of the Mario games available on the Nintendo 3DS I own so I'll want to make it similar to Mario.
I'll be building it on Visual Studio community but I want the code to be portable enough to be easy to compile it on Linux and MacOS so as to expand on the project in the future.
Can I get some advice on this, please? How do I start? I already know some C but I haven't done any 2d programming, closest I came was making lines and squares with an opengl library called glut.h at in a recent college course on graphics programming. It didn't involve SDL.
Thank you,