I've played a lot of games and interested to try learning to make a game. I'm not even qualify as a beginner yet because I haven't even getting started, I only just bought a new bigger ssd to replace my small ssd so I can install unity, and the ssd hasn't even arrived, since there is no forum for below beginner so I'm gonna ask the questions here.
Recently I've been watching a lot of videos about game making, and for making a game I have to be an artist and a programmer. For the art style I can probablly use pixel art and pick pixel art software like asesprite, but then I realize that I can't draw and I know zero programming language.
My question is , is it possible to learn just from the internet ? From Youtube tutorials or forum, without taking a major in school specialized in art/programming ? Is there anyone starting from totally ZERO and learn just from the internet ? What do I need ? From what I gathered I will need Unity, Visual Studio for C#, Asesprite for pixel art or animator software like Spine, and start any tutorial from youtube that I'm interested in. or CMIIW.