
Old articles/journals formatting all wrong

Started by September 14, 2018 05:01 PM
4 comments, last by Aardvajk 6 years, 5 months ago

Hey all,

Just happened to glance at an old article I posted several years ago:

I note all the code windows seem to be eating all the <> stuff in the template code. It wasn't like this when originally posted.

I also note that in my old(ish) Journal entries, all my <font> tags are appearing verbatim in the text and the code windows are all on one line with all the <> stuff missing.

Is this a known issue with older posts?

40 minutes ago, Aardvajk said:

Is this a known issue with older posts?

Yes, but we can fix them once we know about them. It's not a consistent problem across all the content.

Admin for


Okay, thanks. Journals don’t matter but if if would be possible to fix the article, it would be appreciated. Thanks.

What's the missing include? I wasn't sure.

Code formatting still needs a little work. Combination of tabs and spaces not playing nice.

Admin for

Looks like any < > tags and their contents in the C++ are missing, e.g.

template class Event 

Should be something like

template<class Args...> class Event 

Is the original text still preserved under the hood? If it has been "eaten" somehow, it isn't going to be fixable. Don't think I have the original article but will have a look.

[EDIT] I note the same in the Journal - in the code snippets, any < > tags and their contents are missing. Don't care about the Journal but just to let you know seems to be the same issue there.

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