A strange ASSERT is triggered when trying to cast an object that has multiple opCast operators for differents types:
2> Assertion failed: func->returnType.GetTokenType() == ttVoid && func->parameterTypes.GetLength() == 1 && func->parameterTypes[0].GetTokenType() == ttQuestion, file ..\..\source\as_scriptengine.cpp, line 4918
Having a look at the code it seems this assertion is not valid and should be replaced by an if() statement - otherwise it means that you cannot implement the opCast method with different return types.
// Look for ref cast behaviours
asCScriptFunction *universalCastFunc = 0;
asCObjectType *from = reinterpret_cast<asCObjectType*>(fromType);
for( asUINT n = 0; n < from->methods.GetLength(); n++ )
asCScriptFunction *func = scriptFunctions[from->methods[n]];
if( func->name == "opImplCast" ||
(!useOnlyImplicitCast && func->name == "opCast") )
if( func->returnType.GetTypeInfo() == toType )
*newPtr = CallObjectMethodRetPtr(obj, func->id);
// The ref cast behaviour returns a handle with incremented
// ref counter, so there is no need to call AddRef explicitly
// unless the function is registered with autohandle
if( func->sysFuncIntf->returnAutoHandle )
AddRefScriptObject(*newPtr, toType);
return asSUCCESS;
// FIXME: check if this is a universal cast operator before storing it instead of asserting
else if(func->returnType.GetTokenType() == ttVoid &&
func->parameterTypes.GetLength() == 1 &&
func->parameterTypes[0].GetTokenType() == ttQuestion )
universalCastFunc = func;
I have tested the fix above and it seems to be causing no issues (and actually I think it fixes problems in case no appropriate cast is found). What do you think?