3 hours ago, NoviceOfProgramming said:
I have been off and on learning programming, mostly because of confusion or impatience when it came of OOP. I understand loops, if, using paramters and arguments, using local and global variables, even some general practices when writing out pseudocode for OOP. Though every time I finish up learning the "basics" with structured; I try to jump straight into Unity to try to test my skills at OOP, and I get a bit overwhelmed or confused what would actually be a good beginner project. I know learning programming's end goal for me was to make games, but I understand if there is a better in between goal to help connect my knowledge together.
I don't how to take my little javascript/python practices to something like using Unity or Unreal? Any ideas on a good mid-goal to do?
What I think is you should think of OOP more of a concept instead of a concrete piece of code in this case. Unity is more about visual and usability, so you got to think of their entities and their components as the "object" themselves. For example, you create a game object, this should be conceptually assumed as an "instance" of your "class" (therefore object, a game object). Prefab is something you can call as "class" in OOP, where you can create "instances" of that "class". This is almost the same as Unreal Engine's actor blueprints/C++ class, where you can create instances out of it.
The components are conceptually composition of that game object. For example:
class ICanBeGameObjectButNoIdeaWhatIAm { // <-- This is what will become your "game object" as an instance of it, or prefab.
SteeringComponent steeringComponent; // <-- Your custom script to Steer left or right. By this, you describe that this game object can steer left or right. Could be a car, but that's up to you!
Unity has made it easy for you that your paradigm should be simply create a game object and attach components you need to describe that game object.
Your pure OOP concept will still be useful when you do all things behind that concept, most often related to event listeners, messaging system, networks, or your own game play systems, some things that aren't bound to their Behavior architecture. But everything related to common things such as rendering, user input, physics, audio, it's all provided for you, with their own way. That means you got to learn its architecture to extend them.