Hi everyone,
after reading Jason Rohrer's story and his post about free distribution (http://hcsoftware.sourceforge.net/jason-rohrer/freeDistribution.html), I'm quite torned about what to do with my game regarding these two things:
-game name trademark registration: should I really do that? I mean, Jason didn't did that for One Hour, One life (at least this is what I found searching on the uspto), , and surely I can't assume that my game will have more success than ihis game. But how can one then protect against abuses? Or worse, how can I protect against someone that trademarks my name afterwards ands forces me to change name?
-distribution: should I really distribute the game via steam? At the end of the day what Jason says is totally true: the most successfull games didn't went on steam, especially those that are multiplayer (Like mine is)... so if a game is really good, people will find a way to get it. Another good point against steam distribution is that games on steam tends to have a boost during the first days after launch, to quickly fall down afterwards... while instead avoiding steam allows you to "slowly but steady" build the community, probably ensuring more long-term incomes.
What do you think?
Sorry for my english.
Any suggestion or