
Character Fragmentation

Started by August 29, 2018 10:36 AM
6 comments, last by behdadsoft 6 years, 6 months ago


I want when enemy character collide with grenade explosion, Fragment. for do this, i think should destroy the main character and Instantiate made body parts (leg, hand head,...) instead it. right?

Another issue, for example if i shoot to enemy, i want cut his hand or leg. now how can i do this?

You can do it the way you said: replace the character with multiple body parts, in positions where the character was, and then send them flying.

To cut off someone's arm/leg, you can do the same: replace the character with "a character without a leg" and add a separate leg next to it. Or you can take your character mesh and split it in two programatically, so you don't need to have separate versions of the character without arms/legs.


To cut off someone's arm/leg, you can do the same: replace the character with "a character without a leg" and add a separate leg next to it

This way is OK when character is dead.

Or you can take your character mesh and split it in two programatically, so you don't need to have separate versions of the character without arms/legs.

i need do this way for a live character, like Zombies. so i need know what should do i do? mean how cut enemy arm or leg when it's alive? should i do something in 3d modeling software? can you explain more?

If that is any help to you there is an publication from the Left 4 Dead Team

Thanks @Ryokeen 

I try to read this and i think it can help me. but if there are any question, i ask here.


17 minutes ago, behdadsoft said:

i need do this way for a live character, like Zombies. so i need know what should do i do? mean how cut enemy arm or leg when it's alive? should i do something in 3d modeling software? can you explain more?

You do this in code, after you load your character model/mesh. When you need to cut off a limb, you remove part of the mesh and render the rest. You can use the part of the mesh that you removed in another object, to have the limb separated from the body. Or you can have different meshes for arms/legs/head/body, so when you cut off a limb you don't render that mesh in the character model, and you render it in a "body part" model.


Thank you @1024

I think understood, but if there are any question i ask here.

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