
What keeps you motivated to finish ?

Started by August 18, 2018 11:06 AM
13 comments, last by Ianuarius 6 years, 5 months ago

I was just wondering what keeps everyone motivated to finish.

I read at many tips&tricks to at least finish what you started so thats what i do i really want to finish this game that i'm working on...and i will.

But it is now and then so hard to stay motivated i will use your comments to keep me motivated ?



The only thing that keeps me pushing hard is the fact that I'm doing a game that I really would like to play and where I can basically put all the feautures I want in it, whenever I want.

If I had to program crappy flappy bird clones, well then that is _work_, and surely I would need some motivation sooner or later (eg money).

But as soon as it's not work anymore, then the only reason why I would do something is because I like doing so. I like creating rpg that I would play, and I like the possiblity to shape the game the way I want even more (you know, crafting, alchemy, monsters, graphic style...)


You should start questioning yourself about why "now and then is so hard to stay motivated", because if you're doing the game that you really want to do, then it's pretty easy to stay motivated.

That doesn't mean there won't be any up and down, to be clear. But it will be much easier to stay motivated and go ahead if you do something you really want to see coming to life.


ps: of course you have to understand what are your physical limitations, and work around them: you won't ever be able to reproduce the graphics quality of skyrim, but adopting evocative and simple art styles you can surely work around that.






It's indeed very tough to be still motivated. After long time of developing a game, I feel like I'm loosing motivation that has been driving me forward all the time. This is the game I have been developing all the time. Don't know if it is worth continuing...

18 hours ago, blablaalb said:

It's indeed very tough to be still motivated. After long time of developing a game, I feel like I'm loosing motivation that has been driving me forward all the time. This is the game I have been developing all the time. Don't know if it is worth continuing...

Hi blablaab, thx for your reaction. Although it was to get reactions to keep myself motivated i feel you need it as well ;)

If your game is worth to continue on only you can decide (don't bother what others think). Like Erpeo93 said if you like to play what you create its worth it...especially because you created it yourself!

I'm a programmer for more then 25 years and i can't do what you did so far in unity so be proud! The only thing what could be a risk with the game you are doing is scope creep.So my advice to you would be to try to 'close' it first if you can. with closing i mean try to make it a complete playable game with all (minimum) features working. so just throw features out (as long as it doesn't destroy the minimal playable game) and finish that. Then be proud of what you made and enjoy it with others.

Congratulations you finished a game! 

Now you have to chose to implement more cool features or start a new project...

Again proud of what you accomplished so far and finish it ;)





I usually start with a simple design idea that covers the core principle of the game i'm making, and then it naturally evolves to a huge problem of overcomplicated ideas, too big for a single dev to handle.

That is a big problem for me when i need the last push to finish at least some working prototype and reading books helps for me. I read a lot of self improvement books and they give some motivation overcoming obstacles. It goes away with the practice over the years, i'm getting there, much easier to get out of my own way these days. 

In short, try reading some books on self improvement or just write out the main points, leave it there and do some physical exercises, i find that it helps to focus

What is finished?


Set reasonable goals and expectations. In general, I don't mean just for programming/game development, don't expect too much in too little time. Obviously you shouldn't expect a fully finished product in just 1 week. And also realize that even what you think may be reasonable may also end up being unachievable in your original timeframe as well.

I'm assuming you're doing game dev on the side and have a separate main job? 

If that's the case, then realize that you may have stretches of time when you don't work on the game, because something or the other got in the way, and that's completely fine. 

So long as you don't expect the unreasonable, you won't be disappointed and lose motivation. And you won't lose interest.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

7 hours ago, JWColeman said:

What is finished?

These three words really made me think. How many little projects i've done through the years what i would call 'finished'...  is actually unfinished? lol 

Maybe it's finished when you have a definite ending from start to finish... My best guess. But again, what is the finish of any game..  uhh why u do dis

The main thing that motivates me to continue and ultimately finish a project once I started is that I usually have a few beta testers on hand. I hire them for a reason, because I know they're ready and expecting me to produce.. so I use that as a driver to keep going as I don't want to let anyone down. 

First of all, finished is better than not finished. No matter what size or complexity, something is better than none, always. So that's one of the motivations.

I love knowing that i am a part of something i've added my efforts to, building my portfolio in life. Finished game adds to that. 

The main reason i think is that when we release the first build of the game and the players start to come in, the feeling gives me motivation and energy to live. It feels like the players are giving me their energy by spending it on the games we make.

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