The xor method will work to stop people that have little or no idea about crypto but it would take some one that has even a little bit of knloge about encryption no time at all to crack this (even by hand), but on the + side it is very quick to implement and you will have no legal trouble with this. If you are more serous about protecting your data I would suggest you look up a book called "Applied Cryptography" by Bruce Schneier it is the bible of cryptography.
any way to do the XOR thing that was talked about you simply take a key value and then loop thru your data
and xor it to the key e.g. (this is VERY VERY simplistic but you should get the idea)
void en(char *data, int Data_size, char key){ for (int i=0; i<Data_size; i++) data[i] ^= key;}
There are some library that you can get that will do strong cryptography, I made one that implements several algorithms but I am reluctant to release it with all current political situation.
any way good luck.
Edited by - Validus on December 6, 2001 2:52:21 PM
Edited by - Validus on December 6, 2001 3:08:05 PM
Edited by - Validus on December 6, 2001 6:12:29 PM