I can't find the i/o config in Wwise that will allow me to route audio out the s/pdif and optical outputs of a MOTU 828 mk2 or a Pro Tools HD i/o rig. I have no other game engine or DAW running with it, just trying to get audio out of Wwise.
I'm on a mac pro (chess grater). My signal chain is as follows:
Wwise -> Mac Pro (firewire) -> Motu 828mk2 -> S/pdif (output channels 11-12) -> CraneSong Avocet 2a -> Focal SM9 (different converter)
My drivers are definitely working. I can play all other sounds out the Motu.
When I import a single audio sample into Wwise and hit the play button, I can see the audio signal output on the LED's of the MOTU i/o on the default output 1/2 stereo audio channel. What I want to do is tell Wwise to do is send that master bus output to channels 11-12 which is where my S/pdif cable is patched to.
I attempted to pass it through the HDX cards to see if I could get it to work and I can not for some reason.
Wwise -> Mac Pro -> HDX -> Avid HD i/o -> Lightpipe -> Cransong Avocet 2a -> Focal SM9
So where is the audio I/O config in Wwise?