Hello Everyone,
So I have built a few basic games both in C++ and in Unreal, but am wanting to do something different. I absolutely love rogue-like games like Binding of Isaac. So for this next game, I wanted to try to build a game like Binding of Isaac in Unreal. I believe I understand how to do a large portion of the UI, Gameplay, Camera, etc. The part I am struggling with is the world generation. I have found a few resources regarding this topic, but I am not sure how to fully implement due to the lack of resources addressing this topic.
I have a few questions:
Is it better to build off of a Perlin noise type algorithm or are there simpler models to do this with?
What algorithms currently exist to make sure the rooms fit together well without overlap on a generation?
Should the rooms be built as blueprint segments or be built in real time using code?
Lastly, are there any great resources out there that I may have missed regarding random room generation in Unreal?
Thank you guys for your time!