I'm using the AngelScript SDK 2.32.0 that is listed on the AngelScript website as latest (http://www.angelcode.com/angelscript/downloads.html).
I find that script copy constructors mentioned in the docs (http://www.angelcode.com/angelscript/sdk/docs/manual/doc_script_class_desc.html) are not called.
I'm trying to use something like "engine->CreateScriptObjectCopy(m_obj, typeInfo);" to create a copy of script object with a copy constructor, but asSTypeBehaviour::copyconstruct is always null and the process defaults to regular construction and assignment.
Even simple script only example like:
TestClass arg;
TestClass result = copyTest(arg);
class TestClass
TestClass() {}
TestClass(const TestClass &in other)
Print("Hello World!");
TestClass copyTest(TestClass a)
return a;
Does not call the copy construction even once.
Would anyone know if this is a known issue and was already solved in some beta build/commit before I go digging into the script parsing code to try fix it myself?