Do pixel games require to be 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 to fit a resolution of 1080x1920 screen ?
What if I have a sprite person that is 28x12 and I work on it in a screen of 480x270 canvas, will it effect the sprite?
Do pixel games require to be 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 to fit a resolution of 1080x1920 screen ?
What if I have a sprite person that is 28x12 and I work on it in a screen of 480x270 canvas, will it effect the sprite?
Hi. Sprites require to be power of two because it is better on the hardware. It also doesn't need to be the same on both axis like 64x64 it could be 16x128 etc.
Often a engine would automatically draw a black border around odd images like 28x12 would turn into 32x16. Because this allows for better performance. So artist will normally add that border themself and maybe put some other art in there.
Sprite Sheets, Texture Atlases and Tile Sheets are all the same border concept. Instead of making a small 32x16 image we make a big image like say 1024x1024 and use it to keep all of our odd shaped sprites. This gives even better performance as we can load a lot of sprites at once and can keep the power of two rule.
Here is a example:
It shows what a basic layout of a sprite sheet would be. This texture is 1024X1024 and saves a lot of performance even if it has large open spaces. You would map your sprites to the images on the sprite sheet.
I hope this helps.
Sprites can have an resolution you want. Textures should be powers of two, but you can just leave blank space around the sprite to fit it on the texture. With sprites as small as 28×12, the blank space doesn't matter because you have vastly more video memory available than you'll ever need. With larger sprites, you can reduce blank space by fitting multiple sprites on a sprite sheet, where the sprite sheet has power-of-two dimensions itself.
I took a screenshot of my computer that shows the left bench 11x9 and the right bench 10x8.
Am I correct in saying that when the first bench scaled up higher will not look correctly and the right bench will scaled up higher will look perfect as is?
I'm making sure before I make more material.
9 hours ago, #Euphoria said:
If you're talking about 2D Raster art, not Vector Art, any form of scaling up will cause the graphics to look different.... and usually not in a good way.
Unless I'm missing something here... ?
Programmer and 3D Artist
People say if the art width x length is by the power of 2 it will scale up correctly, i'm asking in this example I made if it still applies to the same rules.
EDIT: Please see my post on page 2. I assumed you were talking about scaling up raster art in general, not taking the texture and applying it to a sprite then scaling pixels up by an even ratio (which will still look pixelated/blockly, more so on detailed graphics).
Programmer and 3D Artist