Star Wars Episode 7: "The Search for Skywalker" from LucasFilm, that was renamed as Star Wars Episode 7: "A new hope" by Disney until LucasFilm said "FOR F*** SAKE!" and had it changed to the mutually-agreeable-by-both-parties Star Wars Episode 7: "The Force Awakens".
Main selling points was some cool chrome storm trooper and the promise of Mark Hamill taking up the role of Luke Skywalker once have said cool storm trooper thrown in a garbage chute and Luke Skywalker giving an amazing 30 second appearance at the very end of the film and without saying a bloody word. Yeah, cheers JJ. Thanks alot mate...
Amazingly TFA includes a bombing raid against a super-sized death star knockoff, but they forget to bring their bombers with them. A bit like sending Spitfires instead of Lancasters on the Dambusters raid. LOL, but yet a whole bombing squadron is lost against a supped up Star Destroyer in TLJ. Strange how in TFA the goodies are totally overpowered while in TLJ they are completely crap.
Snoke was "his own thang" while Kylo-Ren and Rey were simply "part of it". At least now we all know what the "S" in David S Pumpkins stands for...
Finn...we all love you and you should have been the Jedi of the film. Well, at least you got to be in a pseudo-lightsaber duel and faced the most morally challenging dilemmas of the film...
BB-8 is awesome. I will not have a word said against them.
Apparently this film was going to "correct the mistakes of the prequels" and go all out on practical effects. Then they proceed to shove that junk-dealer, Maz and those tentacle monsters in our faces - the most obvious CGI they could have inflicted upon the audience. But we still continue to shat upon the prequels for doing the same thing...hmm. Still, I really didnt mind at all - this is the day-and-age of CGI and they were decently done.
Where George gave us the Empire and the Seperatist droid armies...TFA treats us to...the Empire again! But with slightly different helmets, ties and destroyers. They even gave us another deathstar! Yay. You'd think as the prequels moves towards the Empire, that the sequels would move away from the Empire and give us something new...hmmm.
The worst part and yet the saving grace of TFA is that while it fails to allow LucasFilm to run riot in the concept art department and explore new directions, it actually serves as a well directed "abridged" version of the original trilogy. When I don't fancy the whole trilogy I just pop TFA in the dvd player.