
Looking for game spirtes

Started by May 26, 2018 09:59 PM
1 comment, last by Scouting Ninja 6 years, 7 months ago

 I posted this on the RPG Maker forum  as people have  posted some  wonderful art  they made there but sifting through the forums to find it is major pain. And,  since my project does not use  RPG maker  I cannot ask for resources  / design ideas or any other form of help on there.  anyway I'm making 2d top down Orthogonal procedurally generated RPG (no 2 maps are ever the same). The game has a lord of rings type feel with a avatar Water, Earth, Fire, Wind, Kingdoms idea as well. The goal is get through all five kingdoms (Wind then Water, then Earth, then Fire, then Dark, find the ring of darkness on the way and then destroy it,  in the dark volcano (not sure if I will get sued for that idea). You can have multiple units on multiple maps (swordsmen, knights, archers(yeoman), axemen, and mages (one different kind for each kingdom (Earth Wind Fire Water). There are many plants, items, weapons, wands , armor, rings, potitions, metals, animals ECT.

 I'm writing the engine myself in java with libGDX as the GUI frontend. As far as OOP goes I'm really good. I'm also really good at playing guitar, banjo, mandolin and recording. But alas, As far as my drawing skills go I'm really bad. My drawings look like they were done by a 4 year old wearing mittens. my photoshopping / GIMP skills are pretty decent however. Now on to the point...

I'm looking for spirits for my game (walking up, down left, right, attacking, dying (I will use others spirtes if the exist eating, picking up items ECT. ) I don't want anybody to make me spirtes but this forum is full of wonderful people who have made wonder spirtes / game assets for games and searching though them all is hard especially making sure that they are allowed to used with games not made using RPG Maker. I'm not charging for my game but rather, using it as example to help land me a software developer a job that will be free for everyone to play and download. So if anyone could point me in the direction of some spirtes already made I could use that would fit my uses It would be appreciated. Here's what I'm looking for

Swordsmen / hero
Scout / hero
Wizard / Mage

Dark Knight
Full Skeleton
Shop Keeper
Prison Guard
Goblin /Orc

Trees I have lots of tree spirtes already but I can always use more there are numerous kinds of plants in that game that many different kinds of fruit and problems (buffs but, I call them problems).

37 minutes ago, macmanmatty said:

So if anyone could point me in the direction of some spirtes already made I could use that would fit my uses

Unless you hire a artist chances are you wont find everything you want. However there is a lot of art available for free.

check this site:

and this forum post:


41 minutes ago, macmanmatty said:

for games and searching though them all is hard especially making sure that they are allowed to used with games not made using RPG Maker.

Art belongs to the artist. Unless the artist tells you it is constricted to RPG maker you can use it in any software. However, the artist also has to tell you that the art is free to use.

OpenGameArt provides lots of free to use art, I recommend it.


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