Hi guys,
So, I have been working an idea through my head for a new MMORPG that is somewhat unique in concept. I'm calling it Throne Wars for the time-being. Throne Wars is at it's core a faction vs faction, guild vs guild, city-state vs city-state game, featuring player-run cities in allotted placement. Unlike true sandbox games, player-run cities and property will be grown within pre-determined locations and assortment planned by devs in world design. Throne Wars also features social systems governing player to player, player to NPC interactions, such as developing friendships and rivalries.
I actually got it into my head to put together a website and message board community for the project. If you're interested, I've posted what I have, so far, there. Please read it over if you have the time. It's a long read. [deleted by moderator] any feedback, ideas, [deleted by moderator] are most welcome. I don't expect the game will ever make it into development, but you never know.