@Scouting Ninja 100% agree.
When I started doing art I learned by emulating the styles I liked. It takes a lot of work to create well detailed art, but you have to keep in mind that like programming it takes time to get better and better. The art I did years ago is nothing like what I do now, and I'm far from being at the level I want to be. You gotta practice, practice, and practice. Some people are more naturally attuned to this skill, others have to work harder to get there, but in the end if it's something you really want you'll do it with enough time.
I should also mention that if you're able to make the type of art you want and code, that puts you in a very good spot! There are many programmers out there that cannot draw, they'll use programmer art:
Taken from Newgrounds: https://evil-dog.newgrounds.com/news/post/908904

Give it time, you'll get there.
You cannot expect grand results in the first year. Make whatever you can now, and you can always go back and replace it later.