I'm still a beginner, too, so maybe take my input with a grain of salt 
I'm currently building a small trading game in Unity. It's going to be 2D and relies heavily on Text-, Sprite- and Button-Elements. Honestly, almost everything I have built up until now (which is the trading- and craftingsystem) falls in one of these three categories. I know exactly what you mean about finding lots of tutorials about non-GUI-things, but there are a couple good resources out there. First, there is a small Unity Tutorial about making a Tic Tac Toe-Game. Yeah, not exactly thrilling, but it gives a good, basic starting point on how to work with texts and buttons and won't take you long 
From there, you might want to search for tutorials on building menues or inventories. They might not cover what you want to build, but you might be able to take lots of ideas from them (I surely did). Be careful, though: There a ton of tutorials out there which use an older Unity-version. Sometime during the last couple of releases, they seemed to have changed the way Unity's GUI-Elements work and sometimes, stuff you'll see in "older" (2-3 years ago, for example) tutorials won't work anymore.
When it comes to assets, you might want to have a look at TextMeshPro. Brackeys did a good, short video on how to use it and it will be an awesome addition to your game, if you want to display any text at all. Seriously, I want to hug that asset, it's awesome. Plus, it's free.
In general, I can recommend Unity for building stuff with tons of UI-Elements, at least from my limited experience. It's kind of intuitive to me, even though finding the right tutorials/solutions to problems can sometimes feel like the newest episode of Indiana Jones, starring oneself