
Looking to Make an Indie Game on iOS - How/When Should I Get Exposure?

Started by March 21, 2018 09:47 PM
3 comments, last by Scouting Ninja 6 years, 11 months ago

So, I'm trying to make an iOS game, and I was hoping it would be more along the lines of a portfolio project than an actual attempt to be hugely successful. But, then I thought to myself, it's probably better if the project becomes popular. And making a little cash on the side wouldn't be too bad either. So, I started thinking of ways to attempt to promote my game and at least get some people downloading it.

Then I realized that I really have nothing to build on. I currently have zero social media presence (I only have a Facebook, and only close friends and family know I even have an account) and no connections. So, I am looking for tips on how to get started. Some people have suggested posting concept art on Instagram or something, but I figured I'd ask around and see if any industry regulars or veterans had any tips that I could do to supplement the launch of the app.

As a followup question, how soon should I actually market it, as well? Right now, I have the concept, I know what I want to do with the combat, and I have a logo for the title screen, but that's about it. I figure this very moment is probably a bit early to start trying to generate hype (because by the time I finish the project people will most likely have lost interest) but I really don't know when what I have is "enough" for trying to market it, or how long I should wait.

Any suggestions are much appreciated! If there's anything relevant that's missing in this post pertaining to what I have for the project or what resources I have available to me for something like this, feel free to ask! I'd be glad to answer and I'll do my best to respond quickly.

16 minutes ago, rcrawford115 said:

But, then I thought to myself, it's probably better if the project becomes popular. And making a little cash on the side wouldn't be too bad either. So, I started thinking of ways to attempt to promote my game and at least get some people downloading it.

Marketing is a Business topic, not a Management topic. Moving this to the Business forum. R, you might find helpful tips in other threads where people have asked about marketing their games (in the Business/Law forum).

-- Tom Sloper --

Just now, Tom Sloper said:

Marketing is a Business topic, not a Management topic. Moving this to the Business forum. R, you might find helpful tips in other threads where people have asked about marketing their games (in the Business/Law forum).

Ah, that would make a lot of sense as to how I didn't find anything when I searched the wrong forum. Thanks for putting this in the proper place, and for the advice. I'll have to search this forum - perhaps I'll find my answer and ad a big "SOLVED" to the title of the thread later.

Guess it shows how new I am to developing games.

1 hour ago, rcrawford115 said:

perhaps I'll find my answer and ad a big "SOLVED" to the title of the thread later.

That is actually considered a bad thing on this site, because all topics should remain open for discussion and people don't comment on "Solved" topics.


1 hour ago, rcrawford115 said:

Then I realized that I really have nothing to build on. I currently have zero social media presence (I only have a Facebook, and only close friends and family know I even have an account) and no connections.

A easy way is to be part of a community. You do this by taking interest in what others are doing.

For example if you take the time to comment on their topics they will take notice when you advertise your game. Also know what makes the community tick, for example people on gamedev care more about how a game is made than how it plays.

Posting blogs allows people to read about your game, it's good free advertising.

It isn't much at the start, but if you keep at it for years you will find that your game gets as much as two hundred downloads just because people are interested in what you made.


In short: interact with people and they will care more about what you do.

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