Hi guys, as the title says I'm trying to interpolate movement based on character turning speed, I first put my tought process on paper but I'm getting some odd behaviour I am not sure about in the code, so before trying and debug it I would like to submit the math to you to be sure I am doing it right in the first place
In the image below, my reasoning. So the orange vector is what I am trying to obtain.
The code inside the unreal engine is this
CurrentMovingDirection = CurrentMovingDirection + ((DesiredMovingDirection - (-CurrentMovingDirection)) * MovementTurnRate);
But I am also assuming that `(-CurrentMovingDirection)` is returning me the vector with the components with a flipped sign, and if that is not the case, that's already a mistake I think :\
Also I wrote "NewVelocity" but I meant "NewPosition", and T is assumed to me 0.5 in the image