I am at the first year of diploma and I am planing to make a nice small 2D or 3D First Person Shooter game . As I mentioned I am just at first year in IT ,I Dont know much about game developing but I do know lots of more things that normal 1st and even 3rd year students .
I Know Java,C,C++ and little bit of python and GTK+ framework . I am currently trying to learn SDL and Qt with C++. I will also happily learn new technology if required to make games.
Now my main Question's are:-
How much time will it take to make SMALL 2D game as a single person in SDL while LEARNING SDL ?
How much time will it take to make SMALL 3D game as a single person in SDL while LEARNING SDL ?
Will learning Qt help me make games faster or with High performance ?
My main platform is Linux and Android.I don't care if It runs on windows or Mac but it should run fine on Linux .
Thanks in advance