I want to abstract material from the type of item to give the player a lot of options in crafting. Now I'm running into a language problem, take iron and wood iron is written the same as an adjective and wood transforms to wooden. So when the player creates a table from wood material it says "Wood Table" instead of "Wooden Table". Now I am not a native English speaker so I don't really know the exact rules create word combinations like these but I guess I just need to have a noun, adjective and verb for each word. Then just build a String like "Player created a " + wood.getAdjective + " " + item.getType + " in the workplace.".
So my first question is would this work for each possible combination?
This wheel has probably been invented already, so where do I look? At the moment I just need a couple dozen of materials so I probably just write a JSON file with each one. But I like to keep it scalable and perhaps there are ready to use lists or JSON files already available?