Thank you so much for the replies~
18 hours ago, Scouting Ninja said:
Greetings and welcome to the community.
Good Idea. has challenges that are a good place to start.
There is no penalty for loosing a challenge and you can ask for feedback on what you made.
Don't be afraid to ask things or to reply to topics.
I will try to keep it in mind to post when I have questions once I get going on my learning and now that I've replaced my old laptop, I can get get started on everything~
18 hours ago, jbadams said:
Thank you for your kind welcome, it really made me feel a bit less anxious about posting somewhere after such a long time~
2 hours ago, Lucas_Cage said:
Hey Sea,
I have two source where baby steps may be taken one is the stock Unity tutorials. They are really good. The other is Brackey's he does a good job of producing quality content Brakey's.
Oh gosh, this looks like it will really be helpful, the Brackey's link that is. Thanks for that.
It's nice to meet you all~