I'm making slow progress building assets up for my game, so far i have a list of things i want to include and their general functions in mind, but I'm wondering how i can prioritize my work and make more progress, i feel like my list is very long and its hard to keep focused on one specific element of gameplay to work on, i end up losing interest over time on a particular mechanic im working on and tend to move to another i find interesting / would like to see. How can i organize my ideas better and prioritize my work to see more progress? Should i keep moving around slowly filling art assets in?
I also noticed i lose track of my thoughts when thinking about a lot of the smaller mechanics in relation to what elements of gameplay id like to see and how they all relate to each other, such as perks, disease, environmental effects, etc... little numbers that can make a difference, and how i should flesh this type of data out in my game.
Also, another thing, when im listing a great number of objects in a particular category, for example player/npc class/race, how do i know when my list is complete enough to make these particular areas of the game worth exploring/replaying?