Delta: I was not talking about AI when I said that. That was a part of the healthcare example. If you are commanded to turn over a percentage of your income to another person, and in the context of constitutional rights a corporation is "an individual citizen within the law", then you have been enslaved to that person or corporation. They effectively own whatever percentage of you that you have been commanded to give them for the rest of your life. I am not against a better healthcare system, I need healthcare on a fairly regular basis, what I am against is enslaving the people being the price for that.
Everyone: Communism is so confusing because there has been a massive effort across the world for about exactly 100 years now to make it confusing. Communism is a form of government. It is one of only three basic forms of government known to mankind. It is the "new, progressive" form of government. It arose in the wake of the age of kings, as an alternative to having a king or being a republic. It draws people in with its Utopian vision of perfectly fair and equal society. In reality, it just creates a new kind of king. Those in power keep all the money, and the people literally starve to death. That's the reality of how it works out in the end, every single time so far.
ChaosEngine: This is the exact subject matter of the PDU timeline from the formation of the earth up to 1989. You'd be surprised at how many revelations about history jump out at you when you put it all into the order that it happened. And I really do have a unique perspective of the true nature of Soviet intelligence, from someone who actually knew the true nature of Soviet intelligence. If you really want to know about the true nature of the Soviet Union, and most people don't have any idea what that actually is, then you would find it interesting. I am not trying to explain that here, because you really have to start with ancient history and work up to it for it to make sense too you. The history taught in schools about the Soviet Union today is mostly nonsense, and Soviet intelligence is a far more massive thing than most believe it too be. Soviet/Russian intelligence is the most powerful force on this planet, and this has been the case almost since the inception of the Soviet Union.