
accessible game engines for a blind programmeraccessibility

Started by January 14, 2018 04:45 AM
4 comments, last by BlindGamer53 7 years, 1 month ago

hi. a blind user using the jaws for windows screen reader from, and using windows 10 64 bit pro on a toshiba satellite pro. enrolling in Certificate IV Interactive Gaming and Digital Media from, and now, have looked at some main stream game engines and totally inaccessible. so, any blind programmers or blind gamers, and what game engines do they use. need to use Unity 3d, but did try using that, and got flagged as spam, and then had to be unbanned from the site by staff, they are working on maybe making it more accessible. so any one got any ideas, getting started, and use the keyboard. not a mouse. thanks.

Hi, welcome to the forums.  I'm a casual member of the community who's currently making a game in Javascript for play on the internet.  If you don't mind me asking, what games do you enjoy playing?


hi. okay, i did use to play when i had better eyesight in the 70s and 80s, the atari console, breakout, asteroids, space invaders, and was testing at the store in the toy department. and did like to use to play indonapolois 500 at the roller skating rink, and did play super mario on the super nutendo. had enough sight to see. well there's pcs games for the blind, and on my laptop about 10 years ago, played some accessible games, like a star trek game, ten pin bolwing, a self voicing pacman game, a couple of racing games, and in 2015, did play a demo of audio rally racer. well for ios, there's blind fold games and over 80s titles. he might marty shultz, might have android games down the track, nothing for windows. so looking for any accessible game engines.

The problem with blind people and (developing) games is that games are mostly something visual that are mostly made of well looking graphics and less for auto reading. The problem is the game genre itself, you can perfectly play a visual novell or text adventure but how do you like to play a platformer or shooter game without any unfaire advantage against seeing people?

I think there is only a small to no market for such games and so studios wont make such games or even invest man-power to design alternatives. VR as an evolution in game experience is what makes gaming also more impossible to blind people.

The only way I think would be possible to such people to make (and propably play) games is when the editor supports HTML5 and access to the content as main UI system so your reader could tell you the menu structure of the tool but this wont help you placing the visual part like where to put a character model, what character model have I choosen and does it fit into the level geometry, what texture do I add to it and how does it fit onto the modell etc.

I hope you understand what the backdraws are

  hi well there's a couple of blind gaming groups on, Blind-gamers and dag. maybe subscribe to those two groups, and post your questions, and then there's also, forum. thanks.

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